
Why people love keur

You can find all of our testimonials on Google Reviews. Please see below for a brief selection.

“Attended their Retreat which was truly magical and transformational on all levels. Plus the group dynamic felt like a big family. Will do another one!”

Nathalie Rohr, November 2023

“Most wonderful Retreat I've been to, and I've been to many! If you care about humble & beautiful people that share wisdom and personal experiences in a competent way these are the people you want to connect with. Passionate, energised and fun humans in a gorgeous setting.”

Ladina Schaffhauser, October 2023

“Matthias and Manuela have truly mastered their craft as breathwork and yoga practitioners. Both the structure of the class and the movements that we practice created pure flow. My favorite part was when their class began with an energetic presence activity to get the body moving and warm, and then transitioned into the introduction of the class because it feels so much better to sit still when someone is talking after you’ve done a bit of movement! Matthias and Mani are incredibly kind and genuinely loving, I can’t recommend keur enough!”

Alden Jenkins, May 2023

“I was lucky enough to attend the Keur Goms Retreat this fall and so glad I decided to sign up last minute. It was my first breathwork journey and it was an unbelievable, powerful and freeing experience. Manuela & Matthias guided the whole retreat with so much heart and intention that it allowed me to open up and feel safe and at peace. Everything from the amazing space, to the food and practice was done with so much care for detail - they can really create an atmosphere that is beautiful, warm, inspiring and safe. Manuela and Matthias are the nicest, most wonderful humans that share and teach their gifts and wisdom with so much love. Can't wait to attend more of their breathwork events or retreats!”

Christina Willner, November 2022

“Such a beautiful and soothing experience - both retreats and/or breathwork sessions. Manuela and Matthias create a wonderful energy and you can see that they actually live and breathe what they teach. At first I just tagged along with a friend and didn't really know what to expect but then I quickly realized that it wasn't just about a little Yoga but it went much deeper, connecting to our inner self, our home within. I will be back for sure”

Mirjam Städeli, November 2022

“Ich kann das KEUR Team wärmstens empfehlen. Habe gerade ein Yoga/Breathwork Retreat in Goms besucht. Manuela und Matthias haben die grosse Gabe Leute abzuholen, sodass jeder seinen Raum findet. Ich bin absolut begeistert was mit guter Atmung auf körperlicher und geistiger Ebene bewirkt werden kann. Ein powervolles Tool welches vom Keur Team toll angeleitet wird. Liebe Manuela, Lieber Matthias, von ganzem Herzen ein grosses Dankeschön - macht weiter so & auf bald, Andrea”

Andrea Principalli, October 2022

“What a unique, authentic and truly amazing experience I had during Keur Wellness Breathwork session in Basel last week, it really was a very powerful and magical experience. Manuela really held the space together for everyone in a creative, open and safe way. I will definitely be there next time you come to Basel.”

Joanne Kay, October 2022

“At the right time at the right place - during my stay in Zermatt I met Manuela and Matthias and had the chance to practice Yoga and Breathwork with them. It was an incredible beautiful experience and a wonderful human connection with the two of them. They create a space for everyone to feel safe, open up and listen to your heart. It’s truly stunning to experience the power of your breath and I can only encourage everyone to try it out! For me it was the start of a wonderful, eye-opening journey to find my true self and I am looking forward to more Breathwork sessions and retreats with Manuela and Matthias along this way! Thanks for being you and sharing your practice with many people!”

Carla Polfers, September 2022

“Manuela and Matthias are superstars, a perfect yin yang power team. I have gratefully joined their workshops and retreats for the last couple years and continue to be amazed both at how beautifully they hold space and how they continue to grow and evolve in service to others. Their workshops are a great break in a busy week, and their retreats are amazing bigger breaks to help contemplate better a busy life. Most impressive of all is how genuine and caring they are as fellow human beings. I couldn't possibly recommend them and their work more highly!!”

Adam Pierce, August 2022

“Little did I know about breathwork before joining one of the workshops with Manuela & Matthias. I just heard about the concept and that it can be quite intense. Manuela & Matthias guided perfectly through the session and created a pleasant atmosphere. It clearly was an eye-opening and very interesting experience and I will definitely come again!”

Georg Singer, July 2022

“Ich bin zutiefst berührt und unglaublich dankbar, mit wie viel Liebe zum Detail Manuela und Matthias das Retreat in der Casa Corvo im Tessin durchdacht und mich mit allen Sinnen berührt haben. Die beiden haben einen ganz magischen Raum geschaffen für Spiritualität, Meditation und Yoga. Es war und bleibt für immer eine tief berührende Erfahrung, die für immer einen ganz besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen hat. Der Beginn einer Reise zu mir selbst hat sich entfaltet, die mir eine vollkommene neue Dimensions des Seins aufgezeigt hat.”

Theresa Dick, July 2022

“Ich durfte an einem keur Wellness-Retreat in Portugal teilnehmen und es war für mich rundum pefekt. Ich kannte Manuela und Matthias davor nicht und ging deshalb ohne grosse Ewartungen an das Reatreat und kam im positiven Verändert wieder zurück. Es ist schwierig in Worte zu fassen, was genau das Zauberhafte für mich war. Jedes Detail war mit Liebe für uns vorbereitet und so war es ganz einfach, mich komplett auf das Retreat einzulassen. All die schönen Stunden auf der Matte, beim Essen und bei den Ausflügen werde ich so schnell nicht vergessen. Ich würde sofort wieder an einem keur Retreat, einer Breathwork oder Yoga Session von Manuela und/oder Matthias teilnehmen, da sie authenthisch Unterrichten, einen sicheren Raum für alle Teilnehmenden kreieren und es wirklich verstehen, die Zeit zusammen zu etwas ganz Besonderem zu machen. Ich bin den beiden und allen anderen Retreat-Teilnehmenden für diese wundervolle Erfahrung sehr dankbar.”

Magdalena Oehri, May 2022

“Eine wunderbare und tiefe Erfahrung durfte ich im Breathwork mit Manuela & Matthias erleben. Bereits zum 3. Mal… Es tut gut, heilt und wirkt nach. Danke für die einfühlsame Anleitung, eure Erfahrungen und dass ihr diese Art der Heilung weitergebt.”

Ariane Schuler, April 2022

“Das retreat im sutra house war bis ins letzte detail einfach nur wundervoll, inspirierend und magisch. ich praktiziere schon einige jahre yoga und meditation, aber breathwork war komplett neu für mich. manuela und matthias haben eine vertrauensvolle, sichere und intime atmosphäre geschaffen, dass ich mich vollumfänglich darauf einlassen konnte. die erfahrung mit den beiden an diesen wunderschönen ort und mit den tollen menschen haben einen bleibenden eindruck hinterlassen und möchte ich keinesfalls missen. ich habe seither an online session im breathwork teilgenommen, ebenso wohltuend und eine schöne erfahrung. danke manuela, danke matthias!”

Isabelle Guichard, March 2022

“I attended a keur retreat at Cocoon, Portugal in March 2022. It was everything I had hoped for! Great practices, a beautiful place and delightful food - truly a restorative and transforming week. With Manuela and Matthias being lovely hosts along with the team at Cocoon. Thanks for creating this experience for us!”

Stephanie Braunwalder, March 2022

“Meine erste Breathwork Experience - sie bleibt unvergesslich. Manuela und Matthias kreieren eine so positive und vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre, dass ich voll und ganz in das Erlebnis eintauchen konnte. Danach fühlte ich mich leicht, frei und selbstbewusst. Absolut empfehlenswert!”

Dominik Annen, March 2022

“I have attended the Keur Retreat in Portugal in March 2022 and I was able to experience a deeply transformative week. Manuela and Matthias were guiding us from the bottom of their hearts through different sessions such as Breathwork, Kundalini, Yin Yoga, Cacao Ceremony, etc. I could feel a deep healing happening within this 7 days. Manuela and Matthias were holding space for us and I felt safe at every moment during the retreat. Thank you so much for your presence, your inspiration, for your open heart and just for being who you are! I would love to attend another retreat as soon as possible.”

Andrea Amstutz, March 2022

“That week @Cocoon Portugal was the most warmhearted, wonderful vacation in a very long time! Not only was the location stunnig, the food delicious… I also met 13 wonderful human beings. The yoga classes and most of all the breathwork sessions took us all on an intense and very emotional journey. Thanks to the expertise and warmhearted care of Manuela & Matthias it was simply amazing! Thank you for those wonderful days and friendships that I carry in my heart. I will definitely join you again for one of the next retreats!”

Nadia Rosaco, March 2022

“A truly beautiful experience with tremendous teachers, Manuela & Matthias are so kind and wonderful human beings. Looking forward to having a next retreat with them!”

Raphael Cardozo, February 2022

“If you are looking for a retreat to challenge yourself, go deep, learn about yourself and grow - this will be for you. Matt&Manuela found the perfect ballance between challenging you and giving you enough time to reflect, relax and let new enegies come to surface. chanting, yoga, meditation, movement, picknicks, nice long dinners and talks - its all in it. go for it.”

Jan Oliver Bühlmann, January 2022